Christopher Jadoo
Unity & Unreal Developer
I’m Christopher Jadoo, a developer that enjoys creating fun and meaningful experiences using Unity3D and Unreal Engine. I’ve worked with people from various disciplines to create works like Test Subject 901, Remnith, We Are All Animals and Hyper Psychic Gauntlets. I graduated from the Digital Futures program at OCADU with a Bachelor of Design. Throughout my four years there I programmed games and created a ton of virtual reality experiences. To read more about the program scroll below to my resume. To get in contact with me email me at
Unreal Programmer
- C++
- Blueprints
At Thousand, I helped with the completion of the studio's latest game prototype to be used for the Ubisoft Indie Series competition.
Unreal Programmer
- C++
- Blueprints
- OpenVR SDK
- Steamworks SDK
At my time at SPIN I lead the development of the studio's first two published VR games on Steam: Test Subject 901, a room-scaled sci-fi horror experience, and Hyper Psychic Gauntlets, a fast-paced arcade game that empowers players with telekinesis. I also supported the VFX side of the studio by creating shots within Unreal for films such as Think Like a Dog. I mainly worked with C++ and blueprints but also took on any other task that was needed to finish the product such as 3D modeling, texturing, VFX, SFX, level design and animation. More information about my involvement on the games can be found on the following pages: Test Subject 901 & Hyper Psychic Gauntlets.
Every year SPIN VR's parent company, SPIN VFX, chooses a member from each department and awards them based on certain credentials. I was chosen out of the VR department both in 2018 and 2019 for innovation achievement.
Unity Programmer & Team Lead
- C#
- OpenVR SDK
- Steamworks SDK
Remnith is a VR game where the more you miss the stronger enemies get and the game is available on the Oculus Store, Steam & Game Jolt. The main roles I took in this project were team lead and programmer. More information about my involvement on the game can be found on the project page.
Unity Programmer
- C#
Quipucamayoc was a project that required two groups of dancers across the world to be able to dance together using the Kinect to track the dancers and Unity3D to combine and display them. I worked together with Sally Luc on a four month contract to get the Kinect data to network using Unity.
Unity Programmer
- C#
I was hired at Public Studio to work with a team to create a large digital art piece that utilized game programming. The position was a payed internship that officially ended after the first month but I continued to work on the project for an additional year as a regular employee. To read more about my involvement on the project visit the project page.
I studied at the Ontario University of Art and Design in a program called Digital Futures. Digital Futures is a special program in OCADU where students are treated as innovators and are given the freedom and tools to pursue their individual paths. Here I learned how to work with students from various other disciplines such as art and design to create a wide variety of programs that normally couldn't be created in a Computer Science program. Throughout the program I utilized this environment to create multiple games and virtual reality experiences.
Graphic Designer
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- InDesign
Speedy Business Centre is a print shop where I worked designing business cards, post cards, pamphlets and various other promotional items. I worked for free for a semester through a high school co-op program but got hired as a regular employee for an additional year.