Drop It!

Drop It!

Drop it is an arcade style game with an underlying theme of “generative”. In the start of the game the player gets assigned a random character and a random droppable object in a world. Then the player has to successfully drop that assigned object in the designated places that gets generated within the world while avoiding obstacles.
The game was created for a one week challenge. I worked on the coding of the game, Parth Soni and Sally Luc worked on 3D modeling and all of us took part in game design.


The main programming language I used to code the game.


The engine used.


Used Git with Github for version control.

Visual Studio

The IDE used with Unity.


Used for pseudo code and problem solving.

Google Sheets

Used to manage all tasks.

Xbox Controller

Integrated as the primary form of input.


Faux Gravity

One of the more interesting lessons I learned from working on Drop It was to take advantage of the engine I’m using. It’s satisfying making your own features from scratch but if the engine already provides that feature and it’s done better then you really have to question what you’re doing. Going into the project I already had an idea of how to make the planets’ gravity work but watching this tutorial made me think about the game in a completely different way. In the video he doesn’t forcefully move objects around the planet but takes advantage of Unity’s physics engines to get the result he wants. This allowed for not only realistic planet walking but for the planet itself to have a gravitational force. I definitely had my fun whipping milk bottles around the planet when I first got this working.


Originally objects would just plop straight down onto the planet. I felt like I wasn’t doing the models’ justice as the player would only be able to see the top of them briefly. To spice things up I decided to add randomized torque to each object. This not only showed more angles of the models but also made dropping feel more dynamic. I didn’t even need to figure out how to rotate the object myself because Unity already had it implemented into their physics engines. This allowed for a lot of crazy things like more accurate collision and the witch attacks being able to deflect the player’s drops.






  • New Heights
  • Tile Dodger